

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Our newest little one

Truett Wayne Mershawn
May 4, 2012
4:16 pm
8 lbs 13 oz, 22 1/4 in

He's awesome.

 I was induced that Friday morning.
6 hours later, we met our 3rd baby, our 2nd son.
It was a pretty amazing feeling.

 Everyone who came in our room before he was born got a little more excited when they heard we didn't know if our little one was a boy or girl.
I had done my best to work this baby out of me for about 2 weeks, & still was only a 2 on the big day.
But, pitocin is a quick working drug.
A little after 4 pm, it was time to meet our baby.

 At 4:16 our baby entered the world & to our joy was another sweet boy.
He had what our doctor called a tight cord, which I later found out meant nothing about the cord itself, but that it was tight around his neck.
Glad it was later before I figured that one out...
He was quiet & blue for a few minutes, making his daddy pace a little.
Then came that cry.
And all was well.

He was so much bigger than expected, but I had a hunch.
The kids feet had been planted in my ribs for about 2 months.
I should've known.

Our kids were so happy to meet this new guy.
Parker couldn't wait to hold him.
Tucker enjoyed pointing out all his facial features.
I worked between encouraging the sweet love & protecting my newest baby.
Truett is precious & wonderful & so, so sweet.

Truett, you were such a sweet surprise to your family.
We had no idea if you were a boy or a girl before you were born.
Your mama was so sick when I was first pregnant with you.
But that wasn't any different from your sister or brother.

I grew fast with you once I started feeling better...17 weeks later.
Once I reached the end of my pregnancy with you, I had slowed down & looked just like I always look when I'm pregnant.
People called you my little basketball & laughed at the way your brother sat on top of you, comfortably riding along in my belly.

 The day you came into the world was planned.
I wanted so badly to go into labor, but as we know, our God has better ideas than we do.
You were born on a Friday afternoon.
You were so long.
We named you after your Papa.
Your family was there to welcome you.
They were all surprised when you came.
We had a good time choosing sides while we waited for you.
Your dad & I, stayed neutral;).

 You were my easiest & quickest baby in delivery.
Everyone said that's because you were our 3rd.
3rd babies were just easy.
I like that. So far, you fit that for sure!

Since having you home, you've slept, eaten so well, offered a few almost smiles, made your brother laugh so hard when you sneeze, made your sister feel special when you look at her & snuggled & cuddled with dad & I.
Just like Parker & Tucker, our love for you is easy & so big.
You make my heart swell each time you look at me with your sweet, trusting eyes.
And I remember the joy it is to get to know the newest.
We love you little Truett baby...you are just what we needed in our family & we are so grateful to call you ours.

"You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother's womb. 
Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex!
Your workmanship is marvelous- how well I know it." Psalm 139: 13-14