

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Father's Day 2015

This post has been a long time coming!
We celebrated this guy as a dad over a month ago, but he deserves more than just a day anyway.

The kids get more & more excited & into celebrating all these big traditional days every year.
And Father's Day was no exception.

They picked out gifts.
Wrapped them with just a little help from mom.
Signed the card with pride.

And couldn't wait to make their dad feel awesome on his special day.
Which I was all in favor of.

But as I snapped these photos, through the lens of my camera I saw the true picture of what this day represents.

These guys love their dad with their whole hearts.
And that's directly because of his heart for them.

He's their safe place.
They know that no matter what, he's there for them.
And he loves them in such a fun, exciting, complete way.
Not completely perfect, but completely thoughtful & intentional.

And that overjoys my heart.
Because with this gift, they will eventually understand the Lord's overwhelming love for them.
And that's gonna take them places in life.

And I'm just grateful to be along for the ride.
Love these guys with my whole self.