Christmas time in the Mershawn household this year was BUSY.
I'm sure it was the same for most of you...but man, I don't like how busy=faster.
But...we are always intentional with Christmas time & our memories.
So, looking back at pictures always makes me feel better:).
We had a fun & eventful month leading up to Christmas, kicked off by a little someone's birthday. Then we jumped right into Christmas time...

We've always wanted to go to a tree farm for a tree, but never really took it seriously.
Until this year.
Now we'll do it every year.
So easy, so fun.

The trains...

A good friend & I (ahem...Liz) led a small group at our church this fall.
A preschool playgroup.
It was small, for sure, but we had lots of fun.
Our last "event" was visiting the trains at Northpark.
I, the grown up, was a little disappointed at how it seemed smaller than I had imagined.
However...the 3 year old & 1 year old in my company were not bothered at all.
In fact, they would have stayed forever...that is if lunchtime hadn't gotten in the way:).

Christmas with Nana.
Officially kicks off our Christmas every year.
Always has for me & my family.
And this Okee was here.
Sweet, sweet boy. We miss you!

Sorry. This made me laugh...
All of us.
We'll end with Tuck & his new cell...
he's gotten some serious talk time in thanks to Aunt Carolyn.
Talk time & button pushing.
(Yes. My Nana still has shag carpet. Gold & in perfect condition. She's cool like that.)
Got plenty more Christmas to come...but I'll end by saying:
Happy New Year!