

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Baby Man's First Year {Truett 3 months}

Well. Another baby. Growing up on me.
Sheesh. These kids...

I love this guy.
I'm totally obsessed.
Truett, you're our baby rock star.

You're a rolly, smiley, drooly, cuddly sweetheart.

You're still long.
And your thighs & ankles are chubb-ilicious.
For real. People want to eat 'em.

You're so friendly.
You smile at any one who talks to you.
Which makes everyone feel so special.

You started giggling this month.
You even laugh in your sleep sometimes.
Dad & I think you will be our funniest or happiest kid.
Or maybe both.

You're still waking up once a night.
But, I really don't mind. At. All.
Sweet 3rd baby...

You love to talk.
And you make the cutest faces when you do.
Your sister loves to sing you made up songs.
Which you smile at.
Your brother thinks you are hilarious.
Which you smile at.
Your daddy likes to talk to you in silly voices.
Which you smile at.
Your mama likes to squish you & get in your face.
Which you smile at.
I'll love you forever.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Sister & Brothers

I grew up with one sister.
Lots of pink, ponytails, fingernail painting, hairspray, & fluff.

No boys.
Except for my 5 boy cousins.
They came to visit, it was fun, but once they left, the wrestling was turned off the tv & the testerone level dropped by the gallon full.

Fast forward quite a few years.
And, my house is a different site.
I always loved the thought of having brothers when I was younger, but really was perfectly content with my one sister.
She was a spit fire. Really was all the brother I needed I suppose.

But, when we started having kids, I was ready for boys.
My husband is one of 3.
I knew it would be my future. And I was excited.
Then. Parker came.
And having a girl was, amazing.
Pink, sweet, happiness.

Then it happened.
2 1/2 years later. Boy #1.
Having a boy. Equally amazing.
Blue, sweet happiness.

Now that we have 2 baby boys in our busy little house, I have to say, I'm thrilled for my girl to be a big sister to this rowdy crew.
I have no idea what our future will look like.

But I know it will be loud, a little wild, & really cute.
Because this girl & these boys are pretty much the cutest things I've ever seen.

And, she'll be the one in charge.
For sure.
At least in her eyes.

And he'll be the one making sure she doesn't have it too easy.

And together, I'm a little afraid what they'll teach that baby brother, who's full of sweetness, & who's mom would like to keep him that way.

Our life is pretty awesome.
With our sister & brothers.

The posing, trickster, happy bunch of them.
Now, I should go see that they're not up to something...
never a dull moment.