He did it.
My baby is no longer tiny & sweet & pure bliss...
he is un-ending energy, full of life & fun, speaking words in his 2 year old way, & never ceasing to make us laugh.
He is a full fledged toddler.
And we couldn't imagine our family without him.
He's awesome.
And, he loves Bob & Larry.
Only, around our house, they are referred to as, Bob & Lou.
That's 2 year old speak for Larry.
A Bob & Larry party wouldn't be right without a tray full of veggies.
Or maybe it's wrong to serve veggies...poor Bob & Lou.
There were veggie straws & veggie muffins.
Stick the nose on Bob...
and Larry.
They look a little sad without noses...or maybe that was the artist's fault...
We also had a rousing game of Jimmy & Jerry Gourd bowling.
A big hit, until the kids figured out it was more fun just to throw the gourds.
Yikes. Sometimes kids are crazy...but only sometimes.
No Bob & Larry party is complete without pom-pom topped hats...
or a Veggie friend to go home with.
And...our boy is usually so shy.
But, he figured out, somehow, that this party business is awesome.
Especially eating cupcakes in new wagons with really sweet friends.
And opening presents.
(which is just in general...chaos. I don't handle this part of parties well...can you tell by the look on my face? I always tell Mitchel, it's his turn next. But I never follow through. That's a problem I need to fix...)
His sister was an excellent helper & very happy onlooker.
It was sweet...& crazy...but really sweet.
And, our boy. Is. A. Boy.
How can it be denied with a picture like that?
Happy 2nd birthday sweet baby.
We're so glad your birthday was so special...
you sure had a blast.
That makes it SO worth it...
Happy Birthday Tucker!! Can't believe he's 2 already. The party and all the fun details were so cute, great job!!
Happy Birthday Tucker. Why does the time go?
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