

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Thanksgiving 2014

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays of the year.
I love the food.
I love the desserts.
I love being with family.
But I really love reflecting on what I'm most thankful for.
Thankfulness is a game changer for me.
It's what pulls me out of a funk fastest.
I'm sure the Lord is all behind that…

We trade off families each year for Thanksgiving.
This year we were with the Mershawn's.
Technically the McNellis'. They would correct me over that one, for sure.

These girls.
Lifelong buddies.
6 months apart. One hates that fact.
One loves it.
I'll let you figure out who is who…
mine is the one 6 months older. There's your hint.

Our sweet Tuck.
He's still a pretty shy guy.
He was still warming up to everyone in these pictures.
But he sucked it up & didn't miss any fun.

This side of the family has lots of cousins.
Mitchel is the youngest in the first wave.
Which means the second wave of cousins are at awesome ages, that love our little ones.
They rock.
And they're super sweet. My kids loved them.

Just the cutest little guy.
I love him.
Also. Not shy.
At all.
He was stealing candy like a crazy person.

That sweet face spells one word: TROUBLE.

Love that guy too.
A lot a lot.

And this sweet girl.
She's such a hard worker these days.
I'm so proud of her.

The gingerbread houses were a huge hit with all the little ones.
Kept their little hands busy, while we enjoyed our lunch.
But there were a lot of big kids that came around eventually.
Nothing like working on something with your hands to draw everyone together.

A jealous golden-doodle.

My favorite table (dessert) of Thanksgiving with one of our lovely hosts.

And his beautiful wife.
Doing all of the dishes.
Bless her heart.

There was football watching.
And lots of baby passing.

There's that awesome smile.

Oooh, man.
Trouble, right there.
But way cute, squishable trouble.

Uncle Mike shenanigans.
With a really cute baby.

And my people.
Words can't express how thankful I am for all of them.
And for Jesus.
I am tremendously blessed.
Thanksgiving 2014 was a really great one.

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