

Monday, June 15, 2015

Lincoln Life {6 months}

No, you are not confused.
This little cutie is actually 7 months old.
Actually pushing 8.
But, we'll just pretend tonight that he's 6 months again...

 At 6 months, Mr. Lincoln, you are just the cutest thing ever.
You are growing like a weed.
Weighing in at 18 lbs 15 oz (75th%).
And already 29 in long (above 98th%-lol!).
I feel like I'm carrying around a 1 year old, but looking into the face of a little bitty baby.
Cuz you are little. But you're not.

 Your cute little bum wears a size 3 diaper.
And you're wearing 6-9 & 6-12 month clothes.
Your feet are long.
And your head is perfectly fuzzy.
We rub it everyday.

 At the ripe old age of 6 1/2 months, you started crawling.
Our earliest crawler.
Before you could even sit well.
Then, just a couple of days later, you were sitting great, crawling all over the living room & even into the kitchen & delighting your sister & brothers.
They think you & your antics are awesome.

 At 6 months, I became your favorite.
You are so friendly still, but if I'm anywhere near, you pretty much fuss until you're in my arms.
Which is totally fine by me, but not so much with your daddy, Mimi or Grammy.
That's ok. One day, they'll all be cooler than me.
This is my time, baby.

 And that means I get lots & lots of sweet snuggles.
And the best smiles.
And giggles.
Although, dad can crack you up pretty good too.

 You still have just 2 teeth.
They surprised me coming so early, but looks like those 2 bottom teeth were the only ones in a hurry.
You're still exclusively nursing.
Because I'm a lazy great mom.

You still laugh at the silliest things…which are in plenty at our house.
You love any toys that are not yours.
You're not putting things in your mouth yet, much to my relief.
I panic every now & then when I look around our house that is littered with all the smallest things ever & lecture your siblings about how they are all choking hazards.
They only sort of listen. Rude. And dangerous.
We'll work on that.
And the biggest thing at 6 months?
You're sleeping through the night.
Remember how I'm a great mom? Yeah.
You were sleeping next to my bed still at the beginning of this month & were waking up every hour-two hours.
Every night.
Plus you have 3 siblings. Who variously wake up for things.
I was worn out.
I decided to give it a try & put you in your crib one night (actually, your dad made me- for the record) & you only woke up once.
The next night, not at all.
I felt like a new woman & apologized to you for torturing you in the bassinet for far too long. Ha!
Apparently, you needed some space.
Message received & we are both sleeping beautifully now.
You rock star baby, you.
Linco, you're awesome.
7 month recap coming soon.

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