For kids with cancer.
My friend Jennifer joined us.
Her little boy, Slade, is 2 1/2.
I'm sure he loved the Lightning "a-Queen" pillowcase as much as our resident 3 year old.
Seeing the face of your child beam at the thought of a pillow covered in their favorite color, person, thing...really made the reality of what we were doing sink in.
Soon these cheerful cases will cover a typically peaceful, comfortable thing.
But as I was ironing out the seams, tears filled my eyes thinking about what they represented.
Parker watched me iron & we talked one more time about the kids who needed some cheering up.
Then we prayed for each pillowcase's new owner.
And their families.
Parker really wants one of her own.
I told her we'd make her a healthy girl pillowcase.
Because we're so grateful to have a healthy, happy girl.
She giggled & skipped on her way.
But I really am grateful.
Grateful in more ways than I can count.
And hopeful.
Hopeful that the kids ConKerr Cancer touches will be blessed.
Blessed by the Master Healer.
I know He knows them & loves them.
Grateful for a chance to remind them of God's love & the hope He brings.
Awesome! Very creative project.
Thanks Amber for letting us be apart of this wonderful outreach! We had a great time doing it especially knowing how it would bring a smile to a Childs face!
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