

Friday, September 17, 2010


Yesterday I found a post on a favorite blog.
Many of you may have seen it too.
You can read it HERE.

She was asking for something so simple.
For children who come from poverty & hurting.
It spoke to my heart when she asked for vitamins.
I have a girl who begs for vitamins everyday.
However...she gets 3 full meals everyday, that she can most certainly count on.
Not to mention the snacks that often come once or twice a day as well.
Seeing the faces of so many babies who will have nothing more than some form of corn meal or mush each day, & one egg, & 2 vitamins once a week truly breaks my heart.
Something about having children, softens a heart to hurt.
I can only imagine what it must feel like to not have anything to give your child to eat.

So...we went on a hunt for vitamins.
Not that you have to hunt that hard:).
And, I thought you might like to have that chance too!

Having a happy heart to give freely to others is not always easy.
I'm learning more & more everyday how so rich I really am, & how so many are so poor.

But I want my kids to know that helping is not so hard.
In fact, helping is what we're called to do.

And when it comes to sending hungry kids vitamins, to help build up stronger bodies that will one day reach more for Jesus...

that should make us all giggle with joy.
Go read Meg's post & send her an email if you want to help out.
And if you can't...don't worry:).
Prayer is the most powerful thing of all.

1 comment:

The Lowry Kitchen said...

Thanks for posting this Amber, I'm going to do it as well. And your absolutely right, helping is not hard. Serving God is well worth anything we could ever do.