

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Letter of the Week

A couple of weeks ago, we started talking about letters.
Parker & I that is...

"A" says /a/ like apple.

The apple prints were oh so fun, until she discovered that I didn't mind the finger painting.
All bets were off then.
Whatever that means...

"A" says /a/ like address.
Ignore the giant lightning bolt & orange heart.
Had to block our address from STRANGERS.
This idea came from the Preschool link in my sidebar.
It's under the "a" section.

"B" says /b/ like button, bunny, & beautiful butterfly.
We read "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" & then made him into a B-eautiful B-utterfly.
That idea came from Preschool Daze too.

It's so fun having a preschooler around.
She gets so proud of herself when she finds the letters around the house & out & about.
Makes me proud too.
We've been working on C for 2 weeks now.
It got busy around here.
We'll show those /c/ things off next week.


Sherrie Kulwicki said...

Did I tell you you're a GREAT mom? If not, let me tell you - YOU'RE A GREAT MOM!!!! Love you, Aunt Sha

The Johnson's said...

Yes, you are a great mom! Looks like Parker is really enjoying herself! :) … and that last picture of them two is just precious! Wish I could get some of those but older brothers just aren’t in to the whole picture thing, Ha!

Tina Certain said...

Those pictures bring back lots of sweet memories! Lots of fun and messy...my kind of learning! I have to agree with everyone else even though I may be just a wee bit partial...you are an awesome mom! Love and hugs my sweet daughter!