

Thursday, August 5, 2010

He's here!

So he's not "here."
He's in Missouri.
So far away.
But our new nephew arrived yesterday & looks perfect.
I can NOT wait to hold & see that guy in person.
It's a different feeling when your little sister has a baby.
I've been an aunt since I got married.
And those nieces & nephews are great.
They're definitely something special.
But now I'm an aunt to MY sister's baby.
It feels cool. I'll let you know how cool once I meet him face to face.
Next week. Tuck & I will.
Owen!! Get ready...Auntie Am is comin'!
He's gonna love me...
I hope. Hmm.
I'm bringing gifts...he will.
BTW- everything went great.
Your prayers were much appreciated for them all.


Shane and Kelly Daniels said...

Yay!! Congratulations on becoming and aunt (again). Can't wait to see pictures of him. Give Crystal a hug for me!!

Sherrie Kulwicki said...

It IS different when it's your sister and you love their babies as much as your own - just a tad different. Which is why you girls are so special to your Aunt Sha!!! Love and hugs to you. You're going to be a great Aunt Am to Owen!